This blog has been inspired by Senator Stuart Syvret's blog, where people are free to leave any comments on relevant matters and he will usually publish them.
I thought I'd provide a companion means of allowing you to have your say, on any issues about how the island is run. If you're happy, say so. If you're angry, say so. Whether you're pro or anti establishment, no matter - all comments will be published so long as they make their point without being utterly confusingly badly written or nonsense. Bad language will not make it through, and neither will anything that could land me in court. Apart from that, anything goes. If it's an honest opinion (and not just a wind up), I will publish it.
Rather than publish new main comments on specific topics, I may just start a new topic each week to clearly mark a boundary between old comments and a space for new ones. Let's see how it goes first, before I decide on that. The advantage of starting a new topic is that it would show up on other blogs where they list new items. I may post new topics simply to say that there are new comments here, but ask people to reply in the comments topic instead of the notice topic. All will become clear if/when this happens!
So now it's time to sit back and see if there's any demand for this.........
1948: The Good Old Days
* The Good Old Days*
*Merrienne and Ph'lip Remember*
Moussieu l'Editeu,
Avant hièr au sé, la Merrienne et mé, jé n'sais pas pourtchi, j'nos mîmes ...
14 hours ago
Nice idea!!
Hope it catches on , good Luck
Thank you for taking the trouble to do this. It should do well.
The hot topic to start would be Graham Power's suspension: Getting rid of a blunderer, or rescuing the bad guys?
Disgusted by the JEP (again).
How can they allow Lenny to clear the air in Saturday's issue, and then on Monday attack him on the front page and savage him in the editorial?
Outrageous behaviour!!
Thank you one of the nerds.
I was that irritating person who suggested computer nerd had a job to do. In my opinion you've come up trumps with this blog. I hadn't seen crapaud-pinion before. It looks excellent.
Congratulations and thank you.
FYI, Katy Ringsdore's election website
well done, probly a better place to put comment then the bbc because they dont always publish what I write
When and how are we going to over throw the oligarchy?
Any ideas, gratefully received.
1 comment rejected for naming somebody.
Even though it was extremely mild, questioning why a young person would be right wing, please note the rules here : no personal comments that could lead to people being angry with me and want to trace me and shut this down.
Please keep it general!
That still leaves you plenty of scope... but if you want to discuss specific people then please find somewhere else to do it.
another election would-be's blog (St.Martins)
Great idea, Crapaudverload - hope it takes off
Nice one have put you on as a link on mine. Isn't MARIO LUNDY A NICE CHAP?
Thanks v.f.c.
Names will be allowed when it's a compliment ;)
I am glad you took notice of my disclosure about mario lundy being a nice chap!!
1 comment rejected from vfc
Sorry, bit close to the bone for my liking... but the link is on Stuart's blog anyway.
A new one
Very useful to have this single point of reference. Well done.
A few more new blogs for you:
Thanks Mark, the more blogs the merrier!
i see 2 of the new blogs are gone alrady
One of those has been renamed and the other has had the frightners applied to remove it from the web.
Glad we've got somewhere else to comment. I said the following on Stuarts blog but he didnt publish -
How can you possibly stand for CM when you've said it's an appalling job in a house full of ignorant clowns, spivs and shysters?
Time and again you've shown no respect for the job, yet you expect the house to elect you as CM?!!!
You're obviously havin' a larf!
This is the renamed one :)
The U.S. was not the world's first democracy. But it was the first large-scale attempt at it that tried to draw on the lessons of the past.
Did you know that every surviving account of democracy (Athens, Italian city-states, etc) was harshly *critical* of it? Greek observers of the day, for example, wrote what were even by modern standards very sophisticated, insightful critiques of democracy and the way it eventually boiled down to simple mob rule.
What was revolutionary about what the Americans did was the way they attempted (drawing on the previous work of French, English and Scottish enlightenment theorists) to develop and implement a *hybrid* system, one that blended aspects of authoritarianism and democracy in a way that emphasized the best aspects of each and ameliorated their weaknesses.
So, for example, some people think that the reason they didn't implement direct democracy is because they didn't have the practical means to disseminate information, vote, etc. This is not true. The American founders didn't WANT direct democracy, because historically that had inevitably lead to a tyranny of the majority.
They wanted educated, worldly men to make the decisions ... but they wanted the people to choose WHICH educated, worldly men made those decisions.
That's an issue that I've been pondering over for quite some time. Is it a politician's job to represent the people even if he/she thinks they're wrong? Or does he have their permission to do what he thinks is right, because he thinks he knows better? Is that arrogant? Does he have that right?
I can buy the argument that electing wise people is fair enough, so that they can make the tough decisions. That removes the potential for mob rule and turkeys voting against Christmas.
But should they ignore massive amounts of public opinion, as with the GST issue?
At the end of the day, if the electorate play their part, they will have their say by removing unpopular politicians at the next polling opportunity. This requires patience and an electorate not wallowing in apathy.
In summary, I don't know why I bother taking an interest in politics - it usually either sorts itself out in the end, or we don't deserve anything better than what we've got :)
Looking at some failed election candidate engaging in longwinded and futile arguments on a local forum I have to say that if that is how he chooses to spend his time I'm glad he didn't get elected. give it up mate, you cant win arguing with blinkered fools, you wont convert him, and the whole world can see that you willingly waste your time.
If anyone has ever wondered what Roger's breakfast show sidekick "Miss Penge" Emma Conroy looks like - she's on today's JEP front cover a bit out of focus in the background behind Jeremy Macon
Comment on JEP views :
And all of this is what you get with Party Politics, whether it’s the JDA or the imagined Establishment.
What ever happened to the traditional Jersey courtesy in Politics?
That's a point, I must admit. There is something to be said for the perception that parties allow candidates to get elected who wouldn't make it on their own as independents.
But on the whole I believe that so long as they put the work in and vote en bloc according to party policy, that outweighs the negatives.
Of all the "senior states members" available, to which one would Geoff have been most likely to send copies of the emails from Jeremy?
If we are looking for where the leak came from, given Stuart;s love of leaks and naming and shaming, can he blame me for wondering........?
The sad part is I dont know who to trust any more
Nice blog comment site, thanks. Shame it doesnt get more use!
CTV were using their new persistant hounding aggressive technique last night towards Mr Income Tax civil servant!
Maybe they are changing their tactics and will give the same treatment to ministers at last?!!!
Have you seen the new blog
It shows a photo of a statue in a St.Martins garden by the main roadside (just down from the Royal, near the top of the hill down to St. Catherine). The statue is of a child appearing to be engaged in an act of fellatio.
I wonder how this can be acceptable to the Jersey public, even if the figure is amusingly garnished by an ever changing assortment of novelty hats?
I don't even know if it's legal to have a photo of it, given that it's not only an offence to have 'kiddie p*rn' but it's also an offence to make pictures to simulate such things (photoshopping things around, etc). I presume that anything from pencil sketches to oil paintings of indecent acts involving minors would be illegal to possess or intentionally download, so surely that includes sculpture too?
In fact, I'm not even sure it's 100% safe even to visit that blog!
Is it time for someone to make a complaint or take action, perhaps?
As the guy in the 'Sun, Sea and Satan' video says, it's only a mile away from H d l G, and doesn't do the Jersey public any favours.
I've put the same comment about the statue location on Stuarts blog but for some reason he wouldn't publish it!!!
The pic on the Inky Ointment blog has been censored so that we don't have to worry about inadvertantly downloading anything suspect!
I'd love to see VFC take his camera round to the house with the statue, knock on their door and ask them about it :)
Funny new blog
terry le sticker !
This explains a lot.
Saturday, 7 February 2009 15:08:00 o'clock GMT Stuart blogged.....
"Maybe that time for taking to the streets en mass - in a Gandhian, non-violent way, obviously - is fast approaching."
Hooray.... Ive been waiting for this for ages. Come on everyone, lets stand together. As individuals we all fear for our jobs etc. but together, we can make changes that enable people in Jersey to...... at last..
think and express themselves freely without this huge cloud of fear that suffocates so many of us. Please, when the word is out, join in to show which side of the line you stand....
I published that one, silly as it is, so that I can say :
If that's a reference to BUGS BUNNY on another blog's comments, then LOL ... I assure you it wasn't me :)
I don't do CAPITAL NAME blog comments, never have!
so now that SS has been arrested in an early morning 'swoop' - what happens next?
We wait until he's released and see what he has to say?
I assume he considered this possibility as he pondered whether to publish the offending blog entry - he will have planned for this, and knowing him it's probably played right into his hands! :)
He will need to buy a new PC first though - even if he gets his old one back I doubt that he will trust it!
Stuart, if you blog ASAP from a net cafe or the library, don't forget to log out afterwards!! And change your password while you're at it :-)
It's got a mention on the conspiracy nuts forum :)
One thing needs needs clarifying about Stuarts recent actions. I've found the original "You'll never take me alive, copper!" comment from December 2008
and it pertains to a leaked report the then DCO Lenny Harper.
Since then we've heard that he had actually offered to talk to the police - but was that regarding the leaked report naming an alledged serial killer nurse this time?
Just how willing was he to cooperate? Hours of "no comment" doesn't sound like it.
No alcohol should be allowed at the 'updated' Le Braye cafe!
I have just returned from a trip to Jersey to be with the children and grandchildren.
How sad I am at the state of my once wonderful Jersey. It seems everyone is sad. I entered Voisins, or was it de Gruchys, and the guy behind the counter did not understand me ! It wasnt any use trying French, Spanish, Portu.. something. WHAT has happened ?
The waterfont is a total shambles. IT looks like you can now get paid lots of money for making a real mess and then getting a pat on the back ( I use the work Pat in the broadest sense (or is it cents? )).
I walked along Providence Street. Well whos head will roll for putting up such terrible buildings that are now about to collapse. There needs to be some comeback but probably wont happen. How long was Dan Picots Junk place there before it was pulled down ? Longer than the present rubbish I am sure.
Again I just feel sad at whats happening and see no future in the island.
From an old crapaud that still doesnt want to be called a bean
Hi O.C.
I dread to think how upsetting it must be to return after many years and have happy memories trashed by seeing the state of the place now.
Prov.St. means Ann Place, and if all goes to plan at least we might get a park there :)
Thanks for using the blog, I was almost about to give up on it - although it could spring into life as a sounding board if Stuart's gets shut down I suppose!
Hi there
Why is this blog not used more?
Is it so strictly censored that nothing can get thro ? or is it that people have given up and accepted it all.
Are the only people with issues the ones who are suffering from the effects of the "Establishment"? Has Jersey got to the stage that we all sit in our homes shaking our heads and tutting at "the youth of today" or the "interests of the politicians". Has no one got an interest in our future.
For me it is not racism that is the issue - it is respect (rascism comes wihin that).
It starts with our children and ends with our elderly - all of whom should have the support and care that deserves respect in response.
We have a lot of highly paid civil servants who have no ability to "make a difference" because of the "establishment".
It is easy to blame everyone else - face it - if you have concerns stand up and be heard.
Thanks for commenting. No, it's not censored, I get notified when new comments arrive and publish anything within the guidelines - I haven't rejected much at all, I haven't needed to.
It's here for people to use if they want. There's probably no need so long as Stuart's blog allows people their say, but this is here in case he finds himself locked up again!
What do we have to do to have our say over here? Neither Stuart or Constable Crowcroft have published the following comment that I submitted to both of their blogs -
Msr Le Connetable, will you support the petition against renaming James Street to Rue de Funchal if the petition gains more signatures than the number of people present at the meeting where the decision was made?
Possibly not for what it was intended, but I use your blog as a sort of favourites list to find my way to other local blogs and areas of interest. Thanks for providing it!
Thanks for commenting, yes I do try to keep it as up to date as possible for local blogs and it's handy to see what's new.
!!!!!!!!!!!!De Donde Sacan La Inocencia kate y Gerry MCcann¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ !!!Que pinta Remenber en este asesinato y las demostraciones de retratos robot""" PROTAGONISMO y LUCRO"""¡¡¡ !!!OPeración task está en un blog que és Remenber el propietario ¡¡¡ !!!El significado de operacion task proviene de la policia de leicestershire¡¡¡ !!! Qué pinta Remenber con operación task en su blog ¡¡¡ !!!ESTAN DEMASIADO AL CORRIENTE DE LOS PASOS DE LA POLICIA EL PORTAVOZ DE LOS MCCANNN¡¡¡ !!! QUE PASA QUE LOS ASESINOS ES EL MUNDO Y LOS CULPABLES SON INECENTES¡¡¡ !!!Que pinta Remenber en este asesinato¡¡¡ . !!!Porque un portavoz¡¡¡ !!! y portavoz de que¡¡¡ Lo que estan haciendo es poner al corriente de las investigaciones al portavoz de los MCcann. Remenber angel de la muerte, Este señor no pinta nada entre las investigaciones de los MCcnann y la voz que puede aportar es el deseo absoluto de los MCcann las investigaciones operacion task tienen que estar muy lejos del alcance de este trio opracion task es un fraude y Máfia organizada corrupción...
!!!!!!!De adonde sacan los corruptos, la inocencia de los MCcann el sargento de scotland yard según dijo, le da la inmunidad nacional para no presentarse los MCcann en el juicio de Amaral ex-jefe de la policía lusa. Cuanto tubo que pagar Los MCcann para escuchar semejante burrada considerando que ellos son los asesino entre otras cosas.!!!!!!!"RENÚNCIA DEL CARGO Y DEL CUERPO EL PUESTO DE SARGENTO SE LE HACE MUY GRANDE" ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Caso Madeleine McCann - Los McCann solo gastaron el 13,3% del Fondo Madeleine para encontrar a su hija.Visto bueno y despiste de los MCcann cara al mundo y crear fondos...
Este articulo está sacado del blog McCann Unravels
remember said...
Si, The McCanns still have alot of explaining yet to do.
Si, Los McCann aún tienen mucho que explicar todavía.
Estamos esperando.
1 March 2010 14:18
ponerlo en buenas manos gracias...
Este árticulo está sacado del blog McCann Unravels y tengo duplicado de la página completa por si hay malos pensamientos...
In the interests of fairness and balance if you claim to list all local blogs you need to include
Am looking for a local site that where i can leave a miscellany of comments about my grumps and compliments about matters local,preferably mainly non political.
Have you listed all local blogs sites here.
Which is the best blog for my requirements,as yours appears to be for political comment
I cant be bothered with writing to the JEP as they dont accept anonymity.
I get the impression that very few people use local blogs. Please correct me if i am wrong.
Could you elaborate re your html request as I am fairly IT illiterate. Thank you.
Try the blogs on the right side of this main page, or the forums like PJ or
There is always demand for honesty in Jersey, GO FOR IT....
Dear Crapaud, Happy Christmas, some of your feeds for the blogs are not updating properly, especially the JEP, GEP and BBC Jersey.
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